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The Dermasphere Giulietta & Romeo Half Marathon medal: "With wings on your feet like god Mercury"

Press release of 21 February 2022

The Dermasphere Giulietta & Romeo Half Marathon medal:

"With wings on your feet like Mercury, god of speed"

Dermasphere Giulietta & Romeo Half Marathon once again chooses an object with attention to detail to tell the story, the beauty and the myth of love that surrounds Verona.

The 2022 medal: "Every runner, with wings on his feet like Mercury,

flies between the walls and monuments of Verona"

* Images for illustrative purposes. The product may be subject to change


In the medal you will find the speed of the runners, their desire to fly high and to realize their dreams, the union with the city, tradition, art and history, first of all with the Arena, a symbolic monument of a city that for the 15th time, Sunday 1st May, will host thousands of runners from dozens of countries around the world for the Dermasphere Giulietta & Romeo Half Marathon.

Along with the 21km, awarded the Gold Label Fidal and in 2021 in second place in Italy in the ranking of the most participated half marathons, the competitive and non-competitive Avesani Monument Run 10k will also be run.

An event that should have taken place on Sunday 13 February, but the organizers of the Asd Gaac 2007 Verona Marathon in collaboration with the Municipality of Verona, in the month of January in the midst of the pandemic for health safety reasons and in respect of all, they preferred to postpone in spring.


Verona Marathon events have always been characterized by special recognition, a finisher medal studied in the smallest detail, able to tell a piece of history and culture of a Unesco heritage city and with an absolutely flawless style.

In recent years, the medal awarded to the participants was the result of an agreement with the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona which highlighted projects by various student designers.

The winner was Erica Andrich with "The Hug", an object with delicate contours and a rich and painful history. MERCURY

The medal of the 2022 edition was also designed by Erica Andrich:

“In analogy with last year, I started from a research on myths and legends

related to the city of Verona.

I came across the figure of the god Mercury from Greco-Roman mythology.

It is the messenger of the gods considered protector of athletes and travelers, god of speed and dreams, in fact, he was often depicted with wings on his feet or with winged sandals, cassocks.

Although not directly linked to the city of Verona, Mercury intrigued me because there is a similarity with the fact that many athletes run to make their dreams come true "

Of a city like Verona, one cannot fail to mention the Arena, a Roman amphitheater still in operation, the most famous and known throughout the world.

"In this context, the Arena acts as a connection between the past and the present:

each runner, with wings on his feet like Mercury, flies between the walls and monuments of Verona, bringing the ancient origins of the city back to life"

"The front of the medal alongside the back will complete the wing arch,

I tried to convey through this interactive design which together,

with two wings, you can fly higher than when you are alone"

Looking at the medal you can see how placing the two medals side by side completes a lucky message for the future, a completion of the journey:

in fact, the entire wing arch can be glimpsed, an intrinsic message of how with two wings you can fly higher.


Registrations are open online on the official website.

All those registered for the Dermasphere Giulietta & Romeo Half Marathon and the Avesani Monument Run 10k before the date change are automatically registered for Sunday 1st May.

If someone is unable to participate there will be the possibility to move their registration to Sunday 12 February 2023, for free (by filling out this form until 28/02/2022).


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